Tips : Acne and Adolescents

Many people underestimate the acne that suddenly appear on the skin of their faces, they think that acne will disappear by itself, because some people believe, acne is due to increase certain hormones, but, you yearn for that cause acne? The following are a few articles about acne.

What causes acne?

When the pores become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, bacteria, called cells that already exist in the pores, which began increased. This has caused dropsy and cysts. There are four classifications of acne. Some people may have more than one type.

Blackheads the mildest forms of acne are blackheads. Meanwhile, oil and bacteria that are found in blackheads, it is the skin pigment keratin, not dirt, which resulted in darkness. Because of open-pore have blackheads, inflammation is rare.

Whiteheads With whiteheads, that trapped oil can rupture the bag of hair. The bacteria are usually found a bag weaken the wall. These same bacteria may produce a special enzyme that makes oil more maddening to the skin after escapes from the bag.

Papules Results can be inflammation papules. This raised, red, tender dropsy can be greater than the blackheads. Unlike whiteheads or blackheads, dropsy contain a small amount of pus. This is not a byproduct of the body to try to ward off infection, which is responsible for acne in the first place.

Pustules, Nodules and Cysts Same as papules, pustules contain more pus. Solid raised lesions, nodules are often greater than half a centimeter in diameter. Unlike pustules, nodules are rooted more in the Dermis layer of the skin. Movable, sometimes painful, pus-filled nodules, is a sign of severe cystic acne. This type of acne is likely to leave scars if not treated properly.

What is the guarantee of care? Whiteheads and blackheads can be treated at home. Cystic acne usually warrants medical intervention. Acne have a large effect on body image for teenagers. To some, this self-awareness can become obsessive preoccupation with their skin. Treatment will vary from person to person, depending on the severity of acne and psychological effects.

What treatment is available? For some, mild acne can be controlled with over the counter preparations containing benzoil peroxide, salicylic acid or sulfur. This is to encourage inflammation to kill bacteria, prevent new ones from forming dropsy. They can also act as a drying agent to help control the oil, or as an exfoliating agent, and allow the skin time to come and open the pores.

The agents come in various forms and concentrations. Every form and concentration can affect individuals differently. A higher concentration is not always better, because this can inflame the skin. A pharmacist can discuss the possibility of side effects.

With each treatment, four to six weeks generally required for any improvement. It takes four to six weeks for acne average for developing and since most treatments intended to stop development, it will take at least that long to see results. This can take up to three months for acne to clear significantly.

Hopefully this article useful for you to have problems with acne, do not underestimate the acne, because acne can reduce the perfection of your appearance.

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